Our 2024 Impact

As we enter the last week of our 2024 programme, we decided…

Our New Home

It’s now been a month since we opened the doors to The…

Moving for Mental Health

Movement has always played a large part in my life.…

The Fundraising Feast

As a part of my work experience for my Art and Writing BA,…

Our New Home

A building is so much more than bricks and mortar. It is a…

Pearl’s Legacy

It feels hard to put into words who Pearl was. She gave…

Riding the Ups & Downs

"I quickly got used to living on a dirtbike. It’s not long…

Climate Conversations

"I feel a deep gratitude to life and for my life. It hasn’t…

My Volunteer Experience at Leopallooza

"I’m Sophie, and I was lucky enough to be this year’s…

Documenting at The Pearl Exchange

"As we approach September and the start of a new university…